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Album draft 2023 My 5th  album of work or some of my pieces (2020/2022). These works have been programed at: Gaudeamus Festival, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival (HCMF), Impulse Festival Graz, Sound State Festival,  Southbank Centre, WDR Ziet Music.
By ensmebles: WDR Symphony Orchestra, London Sinfionetta, Philharmonia Orhcestra, IEMA Ensemble Modern, b-l Duo, Jennifer Walsh, Dreammusics Ensemble, Zubin Kanga, non-classical

These are the best sounds I can imagine...
Starting with the entirely electronic Car-Pig and each track turning to vibrating flesh/gut/reeds more and more untill the entirely acoustic Pullbackhat Biome-Dunk for Symphony Orhcestra. The tittle track bringing together a rich bestiary of music languagues with jazz musicians,  classical musicians, electronics and a class of primary school children.

“not only was extraordinary musically, but brought diverse communities together in ways that exemplified a new, creolized identity for classical music. Alex’s vision of new music could help to transform classical music into a true world music.”  
George Lewis on Candyfolk Space-Drum for
Hindemith Prize laudatory Speech 2023

1. Car-Pig  8” Keyboard & sampler
2. Justgum Friends 11” Harpischord, sampler & Percusion
3. Candyfolk Space-Drum 32.31” 6 players, jazz drums, childrens chorus, solo improviser
4. Scrunchy Touch Sweetly to Fall 9” 11 players
5. Levels of Affection 11Chamber  Orhcestra with sampler & Keyboards
6. Pullback Hat Biome Dunk 4” Symphony Orhcestra + 2 solo improvisers


Recordings shown here are from Live premiers. 
ALL pieces will be re-recorded in studio conditions spring 2024.

1. Car-Pig  8” Keyboard & sampler
recorded version will be by Zubin Kanga
2. Justgum Friends 11” Harpischord, sampler & Percusion

recorded version will be by GBSR Duo
3. Candyfolk Space-Drum 32.31” 6 players, jazz drums, childrens chorus, solo improviser
recorded version will be by London Sinfioneta
4. Scrunchy Touch Sweetly to Fall 9” 11 players

recorded version will be by Dreammusics Ensemble
5. Levels of Affection 11Chamber  Orchestra with sampler & Keyboards (new arrangement soloist will not be included)recorded version will be by Dreammusics Ensemble
6. Pullback Hat Biome Dunk 4” Symphony Orchestra + 2 solo improvisers

recorded version will be by WDR Symphony Orchestra  + Jennifer Walsh + Alex Paxton